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What Pony Are You? I_vote_lcap45%What Pony Are You? I_vote_rcap 45% [ 9 ]
What Pony Are You? I_vote_lcap15%What Pony Are You? I_vote_rcap 15% [ 3 ]
What Pony Are You? I_vote_lcap25%What Pony Are You? I_vote_rcap 25% [ 5 ]
What Pony Are You? I_vote_lcap15%What Pony Are You? I_vote_rcap 15% [ 3 ]

Total Votes : 20

WNL TnT 5 vs 11 Union of Calaquendi and 3 ok akıncıları (Union_... ..._of_Cala/_of_3OA) [5.1.2012, 18:00GMT+0]

31.12.12 13:59 by SotaMursu

WNL match against Union of Calaquendi and 3 ok akıncıları (Union_... ..._of_Cala/_of_3OA) [5.1.2012, 18:00GMT+0]

Maps and factions:

Frosty Battle
What Pony Are You? Sarranidlogoc What Pony Are You? Rhodoklogoc
Port Assault
What Pony Are You? Nordlogoc What Pony Are You? …

Comments: 2

[CANCELLED] WNL TnT vs Deutschritter (DR) [3.12.2012, 17:00 GMT+0]

29.11.12 13:26 by SotaMursu

WNL match against Deutschritter (DR) [3.12.2012, 17:00 UTC+0]

Maps and factions:

What Pony Are You? Nordlogoc What Pony Are You? Rhodoklogoc
What Pony Are You? Sarranidlogoc What Pony Are You? Swadialogoc

  • SotaMursu
  • Bauglir

TnT - Deutschritter

Comments: 0

OM TnT 11 vs 9 Warhammer (WH) [13.10.2012, 17:30 UTC+0]

27.09.12 8:41 by SotaMursu

Official 10v10 20-round match against Warhammer (WH) [6.10.2012, 17:30 UTC+0]

Maps and factions:

What Pony Are You? Vaegirlogoc What Pony Are You? Nordlogoc
Nord Town
What Pony Are You? Nordlogoc What Pony Are You? Nordlogoc

  • SotaMursu
  • Lt
  • K2
  • Sonic
  • Jabbe
  • Vivar

Comments: 2

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What Pony Are You? Empty What Pony Are You?

Post  Kiraga Kami 04.03.12 13:13

Have you ever thought what pony you are and the other TnT members are? Well now you can know! Remember if you are not included, post a comment or if you just wanna have fun fun fun ! The reasons for the pony are explained,each one is meant as their tnt's counterpart own pro or con,so ye its you.

lol! Exclamation Exclamation Exclamation Exclamation Exclamation Exclamation Exclamation Exclamation Exclamation Exclamation lol!

Kiraga: ---- Rainbow Dash---- A very fun loving rainbow pony(pegasus) , with a huge ego and love of competitions. She is a very loyal friend as well, brave and bold in every situation, a bit of a tomboy. She is far above other ponies and loves to show it off. It goes without saying that she is cute as hell. She always comes through proving that she is a true hero. Dashy loves to have fun, and is quite the mischievous type, which sometimes gets her in trouble. Much like our beloved Kiraga. Being a pony gives her a natural tendency to be a furry, which is quite normal in certain circles.

Sota: ---- Trixie---- As she would say: I am the Great and Powerful Trixie. A pony with possibly the biggest ego on the show, and not much to back it up with. She tries to be over the top at everything she does using her stage magic constantly while referring to herself in the 3d person , although she was numerous times reminded that she needs to take a chill pill it sadly does not work. In heart she is I think not that bad but hides behind an iron shell. She is quite a diva and pretty pony,with long white hair and shiny cape( how would Aleksi look with a long cape? :3 ). Trixie in her mind thinks that she is the true ruler of all the other ponies( see where I am going here). In the end you cant stop and feel sad for her and give her a hug. So next time you see Sota or talk to him, give him a hug, I know i will. In the end with all his flaws we love him deeply, and loves us too deeeeeeeeeeeeeeply. ^^ cheers

Raven: ---- Fluttershy---- A beautiful and timid pony always with a kind word. She represents all that is good in the word. Like Raven you don't see him that much and doesen't talk an awful lot either but when he does the room fills with light. She although a very shy and caring pony knows when to step up to the line. She defends her friends and has strange attraction to forest animals ( which I wont further explain).With an enormous heart, and the ability to fly, this Pegasus pony is a gentle soul who always rises to the occasion and is always there when her friends need her. A lovely soul all in all. She gets freaked out easily and is prone to surprise buttsex. You will newer see her put anyone down or be mean , bro hoofs all around. The true heart of the clan.

LT: ----Twilight Sparkle---- Dutiful and intelligent, Twilight Sparkle is obsessed with one thing: studying magic ( or in Lt's case ballet, which he loves for years and years back). He is an all around good natured pony who just loves to have new friends and experiences ( no matter how perverted) . Twilight is a purple pony with a nice horn which represents LT's ever present raging boner. When things cant get any worse for her ...they sadly do. She has a lovely sense of humor even do she i mean he is Finnish( so did you hear the one about 4 Fins and a lightbulb and...oh newermind ) There is no problem she cant solve and will even help people with special needs like the before mentioned Trixie who is her rival in the series. From us you get an A+

Steam Energy: ---- Pinkie Pie---- Pinkie Pie marches to the beat of her own drum is certainly an understatement! Giggly, playful and brimming over with energy, and sometimes weird as hell. Exactly like Steamy you cant tell half of the time what the hell he is on about. She serves mostly as a commedical relief. Nothing makes her funny more than making her friends smile and cheep bottle of moonshine . He tries to be funny so hard he got banned from TnT for a year by the ALL POWERFUL TRIXY. Most of his jokes will get a laugh out of you but if they don't you better laugh cause he is a ginger and they are fragile. Now...Pinkie Pie makes well....good pastries which all the other ponies love. She is definitely a chatty little thing and has multiple personalities just like dear Steamy, if this character ain't him well fuck me....slowly and hard. So you got to love her for the crazy as sicko she is, cause again she makes good pie and you can get her to be a cheep date for candy.We love ya Pinkie Steam

Buldokki/Buldozer: ---- Discord (while not a pony fully he has some parts...and Jesse has some weird parts to)---- Discord is a weird mix which the authors seemingly made while drunk and that thing came out.... Jesse closely resembles him on Friday night. HE is shown to be mischievous, manipulative trickster with little to no consideration towards his victims, who uses powerful magic and illusions, trolling and such rubbish. He likes to play with his victims before he uses his Finnish memes on them. When he isn't getting any he likes to strum himself to ecstasy with his bass, plucking away between a c flat and g. He is a great guy once you get to know him but being a dragon and a bad all around guy the other ponies cant understand him that well. He can fly and chase his own tail which qualifies as "chasing the dragon". Although being the antagonist helps his Finnish ponies in all weird situations. He is a lot bigger than them too...wait that came out wrong( lol came I did it again). So give him hugs and hugs and some kisses he will greatly appreciate it.

Romanni au Talent/Bogdan: ---- Derpy---- In one word, special. Like Bogdan a very controversial pony. Seen as many as being retarded, slow, weird. But for the true fans and the ones who can understand brilliance. She is a great friend who loves all and doesen't mean anything bad even if she does tk sometimes, well a lot, a very misunderstood soul. She has nice long blond hair with derpy cross eyes which have a lovely shade of yellow. She loves fun as much as any pony maybe even more. She is just clumsy and too spunky to be more careful ! Derpy will newer let you down! As our Romanni she deserves unconditional love. She will always get a smile on your face and make you happy, and remember spread the love!

Swarznigga/ Onniichan: ---- Applejack ---- Applejack has come to be known as the most down-to-Earth, resourceful, and dependable Earth Pony this side of Ponyville! A proud pony to the core, she's not afraid to get her hooves dirty and to her, there's nothing a little horse-sense and elbow grease can't take care of. Incredibly honest, Applejack would never stoop to tell a lie and this makes her a beacon for those seeking advice. Applejack has impeccable ability to break a situation down to its core and fix it fast, and usually topped off with a wacky country anecdote told with a charming of country ass Finnish twang. Onniichan I mean Applejack sometimes has troubles fitting in and is rarely shy but when you get to know her you will see the beauty. Even do being ginger this old country hick will capture your heart ! yeehaaa

Joinventure : ---- Spiderman ---- Reason? We love him so ^^

To be Continued
Kiraga Kami
Kiraga Kami

In-Game : KIRAGA
Posts : 13
Join date : 2012-02-05
Age : 94

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What Pony Are You? Empty Re: What Pony Are You?

Post  Lt 18.03.12 22:38

You are one weird bastard my friend Shocked

Oh and yes, i've heard the lightbulb joke Laughing

In-Game : Lt
Posts : 110
Join date : 2012-02-14
Location : Finland

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